Stroke of Genius

I thwear zu got orr whateh-er, za smehll ah burn toas-t. I ‘as havine a hones-t zu got stroa-k an ih mae me sink of Saur-day mornine car-too-nes. Saur-day mornines were ahways crea-m of weet…


I heard my teacher say to “write it again” since I had erased it before the Vice President could get a really good look at it. I wrote my word again and this time, the VP told me that it was misspelled.

It’s Your Turn

Just focus on your work. You tell yourself as the homeless guy yells at somebody sitting in “his” seat. He’s making quite a scene as you find interest in anything but what’s happening right next…


“I’m here to see Sam Renfield.” The desk lady didn’t even look up. Never get sick in in L.A. Everyone’s too fucking busy in Los Angeles. The nurses, CNAs, LVNs, janitorial staff – all flying…


Happycow447. Why happycow447, that’s so random. Who comes up with these passwords? I’ve installed the modem, connected the router. Now I have to wait six minutes for the damn thing to activate. WTF!? I know…

Buttermilk Latte

“I’m just writing to write.” Duke thought to himself. Or so he thought he thought – he was audibly speaking. “Shit.” I thought that out loud, didn’t I? he actually thought to himself.                “Hey…