B62 to Brooklyn

Yeah, he probably planted that rubber in my car but that’s not why I killed him.

Let me back-up.

This guy, he shows up out of nowhere and tells me he’s a fucking psychic… like a REAL fucking psychic.

He really sold it, too; he’s got my passwords; knows things about me and my aunt Sherona he really shouldn’t and even told me about that used rubber under the floormat that if he didn’t tell me I would have never known.

Anyway, I’ll make this quick because I don’t have a lot of time.

He handed me a gun and said “I had a vision that you kill me in six seconds.”

I said “BULLSHIT!”

Then I shoved that gun right back at him probably way too fucking hard as I watch the poor bastard lose his balance and start flailing.

He’s trying not to fall, flapping his arms like a goose, gets his feet caught and stumbles right the fuck into traffic and hit by a goddamned bus.

My bad, but whata ya gonna do?

rule: flash fiction, no more than 10 sentences